Jan 6, 2016 12:00:00 AM
We realize that the framework used for "economic bubbles" such as the subprime mortgage crisis does not work for government policies such as charter schools.Huh? That pesky little disclaimer didn’t discourage the professors from writing a whole paper about it or Edushyster from “reporting” it as though it revealed some “fascinating” new gospel truth? For those of you who haven’t seen “The Big Short” or don't have a clue about how charter schools work or how they are created, let’s break this down. Mortgage servicers are driven by one motive and one motive alone: profit. Charter operators—not all of them, we know, but the overwhelming majority of them—are motivated by a far different (dare I say nobler?) cause: to give our most vulnerable children a shot at a better education, a safer school, a middle-class life. You'd never know that from reading Edushyster, who never met a charter she didn’t hate, or the “subprime” authors, who cherry picked every charter scandal and nefarious for-profit operator to make their shaky case. This is how absurd that “predatory lending” analogy gets: It suggests that Noble Charter Schools (one of the most academically successful and popular networks in Chicago) “preys on vulnerable parents” because Noble charged parents “discipline fees”—a practice that was always about changing student behavior rather than collecting revenue, but one that Noble discontinued because of negative publicity. The authors don’t point out that Noble (started by two traditional school teachers) is a nonprofit network that must raise millions from private donors just to cover their costs and deliver on their college-for-all education model. You can disagree with Noble’s no-excuses discipline policies and question its higher-than-average expulsion rate, but you cannot argue that those $5 detention fines were about “preying” on poor parents to line the pockets of those avaricious Noble leaders. I’ve spent a lot of time in Chicago high schools—including Noble campuses—and I get why college-bound students like Morgan Redd came to value Noble’s strict discipline code and willingly paid the $500 he racked up for 100 detentions over four years. I encourage readers to fast-forward to page 24 of “Charter School Bubble,” where the authors propose some common-sense solutions to what genuinely ails the charter industry, drawn directly from research by the National Association of Charter School Authorizers, a charter-advocacy organization widely respected as an honest broker on charter accountability. These include stricter screening, stronger authorization and tighter financial oversight. I expect we’ll see more about charter school practices from Professor Green, who claims he used to be “really, really, really pro charter.” But, perhaps he should spend a little more time studying why urban parents are so dissatisfied with their traditional public schools, which are just as capable of questionable spending, egregious discipline practices and academic malpractice. And let’s leave out the “herding” analogies. Because the real herd mentality is to be found in the endless commentary from Salon, Valerie Strauss and Edushyster, where a tiresome and misleading anti-charter narrative has found a permanent home.
Tracy Dell’Angela is a writer, education nonprofit executive director and a mom passionate about education improvements. Previously, Tracy was Director of Outreach and Communications for the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) at the U.S. Department of Education in Washington, D.C. She came to IES from the University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research, which produces research that drives improvement in Chicago and nationwide. She also served as Senior Project Director for 100Kin10 at the University of Chicago and was Director of Program Investments and Partnerships for the Chicago Public Education Fund. Tracy spent most of her career as an award-winning newspaper journalist, including 12 years at the Chicago Tribune as an education reporter covering national policy and the Chicago Public Schools. A Californian by birth but a Chicagoan in spirit, Tracy attended University of Chicago as a master's student in social sciences and earned a B.A. in journalism and political science from San Diego State University.
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